The rapper who is away from the country on vacay shared a photo of himself and his boo’s hands locked in a romantic way aboard an Arik airplane. The rapper captioned the photo with ‘Promises’ and it seems like the rapper is fulfilling a promise to enjoy some special time with her. Rumors have it that the lady in the photo is Ghanaian beauty, Maimah Williams but its still unconfirmed.
Ice Prince & His Boo Romantically Lock Hands In New Photo As He Flies Out Of The Country – PEEK
The rapper who is away from the country on vacay shared a photo of himself and his boo’s hands locked in a romantic way aboard an Arik airplane. The rapper captioned the photo with ‘Promises’ and it seems like the rapper is fulfilling a promise to enjoy some special time with her. Rumors have it that the lady in the photo is Ghanaian beauty, Maimah Williams but its still unconfirmed.
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